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Dr. Marcus C. Newton is a lecturer in the Physics & Astronomy department of the Univrsity of Southampton. He is interested in understanding phenomena in correlated electronic materials such as vanadium dioxide and zinc oxide. His research is focused on coherent X-ray diffraction imaging (CXDI) of nanoscale materials using hard X-ray synchrotron sources such as the SACLA X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) facility and the Diamond Light Source. Dr. Newton is also at the forefront in the study of self-assembled nanocrystal materials and devices. These nanometre scale structures are interesting as they often allow us to observe and study physical properties that differ widely from the bulk material.
He also conducts theroretical research into non-linear optimisation and the phase retrieval problem which is encountered in a number of disciplines including X-ray crystallography, sparse-aperture imagery and astronomy.
Dr. Newton is also the author of the "Interactive Phase Retrieval Suite", the first software package that allows for real-time visualisation of the reconstruction of phase information in both two
and three dimensions. This software is used for analysing diffraction data obtained from coherent X-ray diffraction imaging experiments.